What Is My Vision?



  • To see the Lord glorified in these trying times because the Lord is still using His people in
    these last days – we cry out jealously for His Kingdom to break into our world – that in the midst of sobering times of judgment and awakening God will shine His light into the
    darkness through us and beyond us.
  • To see Jesus lovers living out of the continuous flow of Christ’s Divine Life
  • To be a vessel of the Holy Spirit that prevails through humble fervent prayer for intervention
  • To be Champions of true community who love one another beyond issues but for the true uplifting of Jesus Christ the “Prince of Peace.”
  • To be Lovers of the Word who are constantly growing in Grace and Truth
  • To be Lovers of the harvest who have compassion on all the Fatherless
  • To be Presence carriers who depend completely on the fear of God to effect awakening and transformation through a change of spiritual atmosphere even in the most defiant situations.
  • To be epectation infectors walking in supernatural certainty even in the face of hopelessness, impossibility, and generational unbelief.
  • To be chasm crossers who can’t live a contented life without possessing the inheritance of the Saints that is far more than religious routine.
  • To be world changers who are desperate for an observable breakthrough and distinction between God’s people and those who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the Glory of God.


My vision is to cross over myself from weakness into God’s strength by touching His unlimitedness through Divine friendship; being transformed from a spiritually “poverty-stricken” believer who is groping in darkness through “knowledge alone” into living in the dynamic release of the Holy Spirit as a possessor of His “enduement of power from on high.” And then to help my generation cross the chasm of ineffectual and convoluted Christianity into the “promised land” of selfless power that oozes the Divine Life and Truth of Christ. This releases the invading power of the Holy Spirit and an untainted Gospel that grabs the attention of a pleasure-addicted world.


My vision is to see the raising up of a united company of believers who don’t use God as a means to an end or a “technique” but who make Him their ultimate love and joy; a people who love one another deeply, who are liberated from constant distractions, paralyzing addictions, and who “hunger after God” more than anything else on earth.